I’ve had some of my sweet Caucasian friends ask “what can I do?? What SHOULD I do??”
The entirety is great.. if you’ll just listen
...Not with your politics. Not with your bias. Not with your anger.
Just HEAR.
This is not a new topic. It’s been happening for all of our grandfathers, grandmothers, and on down (and up) for way too long.
I think what upsets or SADDENS me the most is that it’s only JUST being seen as a fundamental defect in our system. The CONTINUED BASIC lack of humanity for an entire race of people.
The demonization of black men.
The disposable black woman.
The threatening black child.
The WORLD is pointing it out... FINALLY.
This is not to throw shame and blame. We’ve just gotta come together y’all. I love that everyone (that loves me) is on board to fight the right fight. But it’s not new guys. It’s been this way.
To my black loves: We’ve gotta get off the colorisms too. The whole light skin dark skin thing........remind yourselves where that came from. #slavery -Because my first racism encounter was most definitely amongst my own.
-Please remember society will pin us against one another purely for division...to conquer us all in the pits of HELL.
To my white loves: We’re just hoping that privilege you’ve been born with will be used to ANNIHILATE the privilege others have used to murder us, belittle us, rape us, and deny us basic humanity....on a daily.
...after century
...after century...
-Lila Amanda
Jada, Gammy and Willow address the state of emergency within Black America - from racism to police brutality, white supremacy to “Karens” and even cancel culture. Joining this special RTT: Legendary Civil Rights leader Dr. Angela Davis and the woman who gave the most powerful speech of this generation – activist Tamika Mallory.